Archive for the 'cervix' Category


DAY 4: 10 girls now, no dates yet

Today was a healthy day if anything. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill that they have in this room with the tanning bed, crunches and some exercises with the 5lb weights. I played the guitar and watched the winning Gold medal women’s volleyball game against China! I LOVE the olympics in case you haven’t figured out. it’s the only time that mainstream America is actually watching all these sports that I actually like. I don’t give a shit about basketball, football; I kind of like baseball but don’t follow it, but every four years America is watching swimming, gymnastics, volleyball and diving. These are all sports that I used to actually train and compete in high school or jr college (long ago..) so it’s really personal to me to be watching these matches. Everytime someone cries win or loose, I cry. Crying for me is like sneezing. If an actor in movie or an athlete on screen starts crying, so do I. It’s also the only time you will see me actually watching prime time television every night.

typical Nevada brothel line-up

google image search: Nevada brothel line-up

I have done multiple line ups and not gotten picked. I’ve done a couple of tours with guys who weren’t interested in “partying” or with one who pretended he only had $100. This really hot blonde girl from Reno gets picked a lot, a tall thin Black girl is doing really good here and a lot of older “down home sluts” who are older, heavier but have what I’m thinking are trucker girlfriend looks–are also pretty popular today. Getting picked is totally random, not based on race, age or body weight but so far, does not include me.

I sold a SWOP-LA t-shirt at least to a guy I took on a tour who was buying up Bella’s t-shirts by the armful. At least I made $20 today.

So far on the CB there every day there are either really hateful guys who are either racist when I’m on (sucky, sucky, me love you long time comments) or “shut up you stupid fucking whore cunt bitch!” which is crazy because these guys walk through the door and I know that this is the group that they are coming from. The other extreme is the literally Holy Rolling trucker who starts preaching the gospel to block us from advertising. Both the local brothels on this block do this every other hour. There is a script to read and we all take shifts doing it.

The girls in the house has increased by 4 and now there are at least 10 of us in line ups which makes it even harder to snag the 2 guys that come through the door every other hour. Looks like its going to be a late night up again. A couple came through this afternoon and she picked the only black girl in the house, who I’ve befriended a bit. I gave her some of my dental dams to prepare for her date, but they never came back. A lot of the girls refuse to do couples and a lot of them do not know anything about domination even though we have an equipped dungeon in the house, which seems to freak out most of the guys that have come through. I’m hoping a sub comes through the door so I can snag him.

Aunt D announced that T, someone who had worked recently overdosed after her abortion and was dead. She started to cry in front of us before line up and it was a very shocking sad start to the day. I didn’t know T, but its always tragic to me when a fellow sex worker falls.

Some of the girls started whispering in front of me so I just walked back to my room so they could talk their shit out loud. I’m trying not to get sucked in to any girl drama, but I always have been a target for some bitch without anger management to feel that she has to confront me. I’ve not yet gotten into a fight even though plenty of girls have gotten in my face and wanted to (but not in the last 10 or so years). There used to 6 or 7 of us and most of us were nice, but now I fear that the estrogen chemistry is about to change.

One of the girls kept saying ‘faggot’ and fag boy and fag over and over again so I had to call her out on it. I did so very calmly and non confrontational like I have done many times as a high school teacher and Gay Straight Alliance advisor. “Wow. You’ve used the word fag like 10 times in just 1 sentence, that’s pretty amazing.” I said. “It seems like you don’t like fags.” I said as I was getting hot water for my tea. “does that bother you?”she said as I was walking away. But me and her have been cool so I didn’t know if my intervention would be considered a confrontation, nor do I know if it would make my rep worse in the house or not.

11pm. no dates so far. at least my cervix gets to heal up.


DAY THREE: Card Carrying Prostitute

Today I drove 80 miles round trip to get decent groceries at the Albertson’s at Elko. Shaunia said she was going to shop for me, but I just needed to get out and also telling her everything that i needed might be impossible. She was trying to discourage me from going in a passive-assertive sort of way. I needed to get out. Plus I wasn’t cleared to work and grocery shopping is sort of an obsession that calms me. I like to shop for food. I do it constantly. I am a Trader Joes nut but the best we can do here is veggie patties and my Morningstar Farms vegetarian junk food bacon. Now I can be totally comfortable.

but it actually is not that bad. You are sitting in your room doing your thing and then a long annoying bell rings. Well, that signals to you the potential of income. So you stop what you are doing to greet the new person and line up in the front bar. There are about 5 girls working tonight and everyone just introduces themselves, with their hands behind their backs. the guy picks one of us and the rest walk back into the house to continue whatever it was that they were doing. Ideally you are supposed to go back and mingle because chances are you can get a tour if they don’t pick someone right from the line up. Maybe the guys are intimidated by the line up process too.

HOnestly, I think when I worked at the stripclubs going around asking every single guy in the room to dance once and the same reply “maybe later.” and then sitting with a few for a while, getting closed with the same “maybe later” and then FINALLY after an hour of straight hustling getting a $40 dance is MORE DEGRADING than this. Going around from club to club and meeting managers of stripclubs only to have them look me up and down and tell me to come back tomorrow at 9am and then NOT EVEN show up at said meeting is MORE DEGRADING than this. But then, I’ve always thought that full service sex work was easier than stripping.

My first client today was for a 30 minute show that seemed to last FOREVER. He was a ruff and tuff young cowboy, who said he was a local guy from Wells. But then you never know what their story really is. He fucked me like a jack hammer and I didn’t realize how not into the whole thing I was. This guy was harder than any client I had had escorting in at least a few years. Usually they cum so easily its fucking laughable. It’s easy, quick and painless for me. I’m not used to the ones who can last…

My cervix is injured. I got a coposcopy 3 days ago, which is a scraping of the cervix to screen for cervical cancer. I was part of a clinical research study. This was a DUMB thing to do before committing to work at a brothel. I could feel throbbing where I wasn’t supposed to have nerve endings..I wondered if it would hurt every time like this.

Today I went to the sheriffs department of Wells to get my official work card. I got fingerprinted, asked about my criminal background and then paid $75 to get a work card that stated that I was a “prostitute” and has my picture and thumb print. I wanted to take a picture of it but had to turn it into management when I got to the house. They don’t even let you keep it at all. It belongs to the house that you work at. The women who work there were trying to be nice. One of them made a joke that she knew that Wilshire was in LA because of the movie “Pretty Woman.” the other female worker smirked and said,”I don’t like that movie.” and I remarked, “We [most conscious sex workers] don’t like that movie either…” and I could tell they were utterly confused by my remark.

2nd client was great. A group of fire fighters came in and I think only my guy spent any money. I gave 3 of them a tour..he was nicer. We talked a lot at the bar. I really do ease into my escort sex through the whole hour and I think that that is really important when getting busy with complete strangers. But some whores are different. I think because of my recent procedure I am really needing to do some serious harm reduction to make everything really worth it. I am strong like a female cat. (Have you ever heard a female cat screech in agony when they have routine mating rituals with the male cat’s barbed penis??  Well, it’s not nearly that bad, so I figure I can be strong like that). I meditated on my strength to Mexican prayer candles I bought from the grocery store. It helped. the next guy was a college guy and was more on my spiritual level. At least he was sober. we talked for a while. All getting to know each other is not pillow talk or massage talk, like I am accustomed to, it is bar talk. But girls don’t have to, or don’t even really get to drink very much alcohol, which is another difference from the stripclubs who could give a shit if you become a coke addict just to keep up with the amount of champagne you are supposed to be selling for them.

So I’ve only had 2 clients since I hit the floor at around 4pm. That’s 12 hours. I did 3 line ups without getting picked and the one that I did get picked for before midnight happened when I was in my casual clothes just watching and I wasn’t cleared to work yet. Go figure. I’ve been dressing like a stripper here, but that gets a little tiring. I keep switching from glasses to contacts and stripper heels to flip flops. Caring to not caring about how I present.

I’m not sure if the trucker types like me. They are a need breed of client. I am getting a TRUCKER 101 from all the guys I talk to. I act wide eyed and naive about their jobs and most of them love my naivete. We all take turns reading a script on the CB radio and I find that fun and easy since I’m really a vocalist anyway but no one really knows that here. I haven’t yet touched my guitar yet, but among music, I have brought plenty of art and grant applications to work on while I have alone time in my room. This part is good…at least you get a lot of work done. I can see it like an art and work retreat where I make $$ in between.

4:50AM-they wake me up to go do a tour for the same cowboy and his wasted friend.  I am the only one in the house who will get out of bed, says the bartender.  I know that I don’t want to be ruff pawed by drunked cowboys at the crack of dawn, but I am used to working at this hour and in this manner, so it isn’t that bad to me, especially if after the negotiation i jump right back into bed.  If i were doing outcall it would mean driving somewhere and back for a potential no show, which is way more trouble than walking down the hall to the bar.

I give them a half assed sleepy tour in my glasses and shawl.  they are acting like fools and I just want to get it over with and see if they will pay me my minimum, which i doubt.  I am not fucking anyone right now for any less than $250 for ME.  (which is $500 for 30 minutes for them).  They want to do me at the same time.  $1200/hour.  ($600 for me).  They do not accept.  FINE.  I am not going any lower..they are drunk and his friend was too much so I feel that my price is totally fair and this is what I assesed it was worth, since my first client, the cowboy on the left got away with a great deal.  I usher their drunk asses to the bar and head back to bed and am thinking there was probably a way that I might have been able to get some of that money…tomorrow is a new day.

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